Revolving Tower

Revolving tower, 2018,
Professional Work, Computational designer

Guides : Giuseppe Morando and Anup Naik
Grasshopper + Rhino


This project was the first taste of actually applying the skills which I learned in the process of my academic endeavors. The project was fairly straightforward, but given the number of constraints imposed by the clients and the specific by-laws which concerned this project the overall experience was interesting.
The goal that the office had in this project from a design point of view was to create a symbol for the city of Ranchi as dictated by the client. Now given that the office had known of my interests and relative expertise in computation, the goal we sought after was to explore numerous variations and then distill out the best ones. Unlike my other projects or personal goal of creating computational tools which are scale-able to any design method, the flip-side of creating a single building design which accounted for a wide array of factors controlled parametrically offered a fresh perspective on computational applications.

revolving tower concept images

Generated Options

Revolving tower generated options

Structural Design

Revolving tower structural diagram


revolving tower panel detail

Proposal of the landscape itegration

Revolving tower landscape proposal

Public reception

The building and the proposal was covered by the press. Here is an article published in the local daily; documenting the public excitement about the project.

Revolving tower article